Above average home cook, published humorist, endurance athlete, former ex-pat, recovering attorney, doting husband, dedicated dad, non-Italian speaking Italian-American, and endearingly lousy ukulele player. It’s all true. It’s all Sal. This website ( is my outlet to inform and entertain, on both the personal and professional fronts.
And where was the NSFW warning?
If R2D2 ever starred in a porno movie, it would look a lot like this.
BTW…thanks for clueing me in on that Charcuterie book. You're a very good, bad influence.
No, not the machine. I was referring to the mustache that was last seen in Boogie Nights.
Do you know about Michael Ruhlman's blog?
A moustache that any fireman would be proud of. I grew it all week for the occassion.
Actually, I had a beard until yesterday morning. Now I'm back to looking like Alfalfa.
I did not know of Ruhlman's blog, but I just found it on Google. Thanks.
Here's one for you. It's an eGullet thread from people who are cooking their way through Charcuterie:
El Fat Sal
Now all you need is some Italian beef and Italian bread, and you can make yourself a nice combo sammich!
Hola Sal. How are you? Feliz NAvidad y Año 2010. Where are you now? Santiago Nadal. You cn find me in Facebook.
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"R2D2 in a porno" HA! I was thinking along those lines too, but couldn't put it so elequently. lol. I somehow lost you on facebook. Are you no longer on the time waster? I sure would like to reconnect with you if you are!