Hey! Check out what our Belgium-based, Kiwi friend “Lady Di” has been up to lately.

She has created a blog to memorialize her adventures with the recently-arrived Flat Stephanie from my sister’s third grade class.

She has also been writing for a travel blog called Meandering Margaux.

Another VTB alumnus makes good.

8 thoughts on “LADY DI UPDATE!”

  1. hahaha! First and second!

    I’ve just been catching up with your blog…. I forgive you for the use of the ‘M’ word!

    I’m very impressed with your saugage skills, so to speak!

  2. Hey, Trac has swept all the medals. Gold, Silver and Bronze. And as was the custom during sporting events in ancient Rome, you will receive a crown of Italian sausage…because it tastes a lot better than olive branches.

    As for Flat Justin, I fear that he is currently victim of England’s legendary postal system. He was mailed to you two weeks ago. Hopefully you’ll receive it before the real Justin completes his doctoral dissertation.

    BTW…have you noticed that “Love me tender” is grammatically incorrect. It should be “Love me tenderly.” Apparently, Elvis didn’t study his adverbs.

    Sal (which, if I were an adverb, would be spelled “Sally”)

  3. Hello you … I just popped by to catch up and found a blushing Lady Di.

    Thanks Sal. I’m writing up the big school visit tomorrow … Flat Stephanie behaved very well and the 2 hour visit was a mine of information 🙂

  4. My class has been loving the Flat Stephanie blog, as have the rest of the staff! We also received some pictures from Flat Steve’s visit in Germany today. This has turned out to be an amazing project!! As for Flat Justin, I hope he shows up soon!

  5. I am happy to announce the arrival of Flat Fernando here in Italy! I can not believe that the Italian postal system came through, and delivered mail in a timely fashion. We took Fernando out today, but the unforgiving wind made it hard to capture any good pictures. Fernando had his first Italian pizza tonight and is now sleeping off his jet lag.

    Hmmmm, where to go…Rome, Pisa, Venice?



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